Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

List Of Values Tool

Use the List of Values tool on a Query Form to select single or multiple values from a list of all of the discrete values in a selected column. All the column values are displayed on the screen.

The question is useful when a user wants to quickly select values without scrolling through a list and selecting them individually.


  1. Drag the tool from the tool box, or select it from the Create new drop-down.
  2. Optionally enter a name for the query form element in the first field.
  3. Enter the question text that will appear on the query form, for example Select customers with the following occupations:
  4. Add the column that will provide the list of values by clicking into the Column field and browsing for it, or dragging it from the Data Explorer.

When displayed on the query form, the List of Values will look like this:

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